TOP 10 Songs for a Thrift Tripper’s iPhone


“The Beatles Story” in Liverpool (gift shop)

The Beatles’ Day Tripper and Peter, Paul, and Mary’s Leaving on a Jet Plane are obvious choices for your iTunes playlist, but here are a few more to consider:

  1. Born to be Wild (Steppenwolf) – The best road trip song ever!
  2. Roam (B-52s) and Free Bird (Lynyrd Skynyrd) – Chicken soup for the nomadic soul.
  3. Life on Mars? (David Bowie) – When you get to a new country, don’t speak the language, and feel like you’re on another planet.
  4. Crazy Train (Ozzy Osbourne) – No explanation needed. You’ll know it when you see it. And believe me, you will have this experience at least once.
  5. Gimme Shelter (the Rolling Stones) – For the night you spend freezing in Manchester’s Piccadilly Station after you miss your 1 AM connecting train from Glasgow to London and the next one doesn’t leave until 5 in the morning.
  6. Anything by Mozart – This is probably the only thing that will keep you sane and get you through the crowds at the Forbidden City on China’s National Day.
  7. The Imperial March from Star Wars – I’ll admit, I’m not cool enough to be a Star Wars geek (really, that’s how uncool I am) but this score is incredibly versatile and useful in a variety of different situations.
  8. I’ve Been Everywhere (Johnny Cash) – People will think you’re full of yourself if you sing this out loud but it’s always fun to listen to Johnny checking off his list and compare your own.
  9. We are the Champions (Queen) – When you’ve checked off everything on your bucket list. Another song you probably don’t want to sing out loud…
  10. Homeward Bound (Simon & Garfunkel) – When you’re sick of traveling, miss your family and friends, and are ready to head back to your old life of hot showers and comfortable beds. And die of boredom…

The crowds at the Forbidden City, Beijing
October 1, 2013